I do not want to look “Ducky” so I am Afraid of Getting Lip Filler! 

This is a very common misconception when it comes to lip filler. Lip filler has gotten very popular over the last few years, and everyone is getting them. The dreaded “ducky” appearance occurs for a few reasons. The wrong choice of lip filler – dermal fillers range from a soft gel to a firm gel. An experienced injector will advise on the best filler to use based on the person’s anatomy to avoid an unnatural appearance. Another reason for this unfortunate event is receiving lip filler over and over again to where there is no room in the lip tissue and the filler starts to “migrate” – moves above the lip tissue and creates a thick upper lip sometimes referred to as the “white mustache”. It is fair to say the top reasons for unsightly lip filler is due to choosing the wrong product, incorrect placement of filler due to lack of injector experience, and overfilling the lips! These factors will lead to a ducky, uneven, lumpy and an unnatural appearance. Always do your research and trust your face to an experienced and licensed injector! 

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About Shay Novi

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Graduated from the University of Miami, as a Board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner at the top of her class.